Lattice ispGAL & ispLSI

The ispGAL 16Z8 was introduced by Lattice in 1986, one year after introduction of the GAL 16V8. ispGAL, is short for In-System re-Programmable GENERIC ARRAY LOGIC. It is only listed in the 1988 Data Book and was soon replaced by the ispGAL 22V10. The GAL 16V8 is a direct replacement for most 20 pin PALs.… Read more Lattice ispGAL & ispLSI

PLD Compilers

PLD Compiler/CAD Company ABEL (Advanced Boolean Expression Language) DATA I/O, SYNARIO, MINC, XILINX, LATTICE ATGEN ACUGEN SOFTWARE Inc. AMAZE SIGNETICS APEEL ICT (PEEL devices) CUPL (Compiler for Universal Programmable Logic) Assisted Technology, Personal CAD Systems (P-CAD), Logical Devices Inc., Altium IspLEVER (Windows) Lattice ISP Synario System (Windows) Lattice, DATA I/O LOG/iC ISDATA, Kontron OPAL, OPAL… Read more PLD Compilers

GALmate software

OVERVIEW The GALmate application lets you read and programm GAL devices.Whereas easyABEL and vDosPlus software provide a compiler suitable for ABEL-HDL design files. The compiler (easyABEL) and vDosPlus are optional. The application and related documents are provided in the download section below. FEATURES Sytem Requirements and Installation Operating System Windows 7 or later(Linux and OS… Read more GALmate software